How To Guides

Bipolar Disorder vs. Borderline Personality Disorder

Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder always seems to emit confusion to the some individuals. Though, these disorders have some similarities, there are some differences between the two. Bipolar disorder is part of depression, a mood disorder; while borderline personality disorder, is what it says-a personality disorder.

Bipolar is a mood disorder characterized by mild to severe forms of depression, accompanied by mild or severe experiences of mania (additional information). Bipolar 1 is the most crucial one between bipolar II. Bipolar 1 has manic episodes, whereas, bipolar II does not.

Bipolar I is equally common in both genders, while bipolar II is more common in women versus men, according to the DSM V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).

Borderline Personality is a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity starting by early adulthood and is present in various contents:

  1. avoidance of real or imagined abandonment.
  2. unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization (she’s or he’s so great) and devaluation (I hate him or her, she’s no good).
  3. unstable self-image or sense of self
  4. impulsiveness: spending life’s savings on reckless ventures, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, and so forth
  5. recurrent suicidal behavior or self-mutilating behavior
  6. affective (mood) instability caused by a marked reactivity of mood (irritability or anxiety)
  7. chronic feelings of emptiness
  8. inappropriate intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (frequent manifestation of temper, constant anger, or fights)
  9. stress-related paranoid ideation (hyperviligance about others out to get them).
  10. involves a splitting style of thinking (only see things in black or white-no gray area)

If you have or know anyone with any of these symptoms, please seek professional assistance.



How To Guides

How to Find Your Own Inspirational Talents!

It has taken me several decades to realize what my special talent was. Often, I would set back and observe others fulfilling their dreams and being successful. Discouragement would often flood my thoughts with pessimistic thinking as to why I couldn’t have thought of that, or the possibility of failing.

Some individuals are go grabbers; in which, they know what they want and they go for the gusto. While others sit back and wonder why? I have always loved writing, even when I was in grade school. My best friend and myself would often engage in writing stories and acting out the parts. The funny thing is that I have always loved writing and hoped that one day I will write a book.

The biggest thing that I found that was holding me back was fear itself. Fear of being a failure and fear of the meeting the expectations of others. Fear, will have one miss out of on opportunities otherwise not known to them. And sometimes one have to step out on faith to achieve one’s desired happiness. For example, I love teaching psychology and I had been doing for a couple of years. However, I wanted to make this my primary job (though, I was teaching part-time; and I wouldn’t suggest this unless you have a secure second income), so I decided to step out on faith and go for it. While it was not a money-maker, I was doing something that I loved to do. I am once again at a milestone in my life; and reflecting back over the time that I taught psychology-I applied the same principles to writing, that is stepping out on faith and believing in my given talents.

If you are stuck in not knowing your own “inspirational talents,” may I suggest to you to do some self-evaluating to determine what you are good at. For example, if you are good at cooking and creating recipes, perhaps you can start your own blog or write a cookbook. I inspire you to let go of fear and go for it. We all have special given talents and we all are good at one thing. Why not put it to use!




How To Guides

Are You Listening?

Communicating with others is the best way of understanding how each other may feel or think. At times we might become so engrossed with our own feelings and thoughts, that we fail to consider and listen to what others are saying. This is especially true when we are in a disagreement. I have listed a few steps that can be helpful in communicating and listening to others.

Paying attention: this by far is the most important factor in being able to communicate well with others. Cellphones act as a distractor and should be avoided, if all possible, when communicating and listening to others.

Don’t Interrupt: Interrupting when the other person is speaking, can make the person feel disheartened. And depending on what type of conversation is being done, interrupting another might be hard to do. Try to wait until they have finished saying what they have to say before injecting your input.

Over-talking and Yelling: Over-talking when engaged in communicating with others, will not convey your point, but only will make the moment more intense; as with yelling. If you start to feel upset, why not just step away until you are better composed.

Proactive Thinking: Being proactive in communicating with others can go a long ways. Being able to think before you speak, might make others be more receptive to listening to your ideas or thoughts.

Listeningfish updated.png:Listening to others shows them that you really care about their ideas or thoughts, and even care about them. Depending on the conversation, try showing empathy; if it warrants the situation. Listening to others is the best tool for others to listen to your ideas and thoughts.