Inspirational Blogs

Severing the Bond

“Love only breaks up to start over again
You’ll get the babies
But you won’t have your man
While he is busy loving every woman that he can…”

                       ~Candi Staton: From Young Hearts Run Free~

Too many times I have heard or seen single women with children arguing and/or fighting over the father of their child with other females.  In fact, I have been the victim of such nuisance behavior. And in the end, the guy usually leaves and seeks out another female partner.

Countless women (not all) engages in this type of behavior. Why? I can only theorize that it is based on the bond from having a child with said man. Some women might think that since they have a child together, he’s hers. Sure the two will always share a bond because they do have a child together; however, that doesn’t make the man hers.

All relationships of this type can not and should not be classified into this category. When theirs a healthy relationship between two partners, insecurities are at minimum. However, if there is a lacking of trust and communication in the relationship, other factors festers into the relationship. These other factors consist or insecurities (Jealousy) and a lack of trust and/or communication between the two partners. Moreover, if one partner is continue to use accusatory remarks to the other partner; it could lead to increased arguments or violence.

If there are signs of volatile behavior in the relationship, perhaps one should sever the bond. By severing the bond,  I mean let go of what is causing one to be unhappy. Is it worth your life or the life of your child, to undergo such negative behavior?  Is it worth engaging in fighting other females (or perhaps males), just for the sake that ‘he’s my baby’s daddy.’ Just because a man father’s a child, doesn’t mean he will commit to a female any quicker. If he’s being abusive to you in front of the child, then one needs to think seriously about severing the bond with the father.

This is just a little tidbit that I will be including in my upcoming book about relationships.




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